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Oh wow! what a nice photo! you recognize where it is? Bingo! We are now in the famous Cologne Cathedral.

Before you start this wonderful journey, please find some useful tips especially for Chinese friends.

move your mouse onto the picture above and let’s see how many popups you can find out. It’s like a game, isn’t it?

Cologne Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church in Cologne, Germany. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Cologne and the administration of the Archdiocese of Cologne. It is a renowned monument of German Catholicism and Gothic architecture and is a World Heritage Site.[1] It is Germany’s most visited landmark, attracting an average of 20,000 people a day.

a brief history of this cathedral:

Cologne’s medieval builders had planned a grand structure to house the reliquary of the Three Kings and fit its role as a place of worship for the Holy Roman Emperor.
Despite having been left incomplete during the medieval period, Cologne Cathedral eventually became unified as “a masterpiece of exceptional intrinsic value” and “a powerful testimony to the strength and persistence of Christian belief in medieval and modern Europe”.
Video is worth thousands words. what is inside the cathedral? please follow this video.



All right, time is limited, you really don’t wanna miss any interesting stuff inside cathedral, what are the hotspots that you ought to see?


enjoy your trip in Germany, and have a nice day.

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