Vultr vs Linode vs Digitalocean Comparison

For many years, I’ve been testing virtual private servers for my business. you might have heard of Amazon ECS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud platforms. They are giant players of the world with pretty good service and stability, but they are so expensive for individual developers and small business. I’ve tested many vps providers, ramnode, […]

美国四大VPS: DigitalOcean Linode 亚马逊AWS Rackspace价格对比

美国四大顶级云主机商:DigitalOcean 、Linode 、AWS 、Rackspace在一起比价格、比配置,会是怎样的情况?DigitalOcean在官网贴出了价格表,意图很明显,爷就跟你玩低价!抢人家的客户,哎! 主机商 DigitalOcean Linode 亚马逊AWS Rackspace 价格Price $20/mo $40/mo $60/mo $58.40/mo 内存RAM 2GB 2GB 1.7GB 2GB 流量Bandwidth 2¢ per GB if over 3,000GB 10¢ per GB if over 4,000 GB 12¢ per GB if over 1GB/mo 18¢ per GB if over bandwidth out 安装时间Spin Up Time 55 sec 2-3 min 10 min […]

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