digitalocean提高vps数量额度droplet limit

DigitalOcean是中国用户最痛恨的vps,因为digitalocean管理严格,初始用户竟然只能购买5个vps,不能多买,防止恶意用户烂用产品。如果你的5个额度已经用完了,如何申请增加droplet limit? 很简单,首先登录digitalocean后台,找到support,给客服发一个ticket,主题是“raise my droplet limit”,受影响的产品:不必填。 ticket内容可以是: Hello, thank you digital ocean, I’m very satisfied with your vps products. However, I’m reaching the limit of droplets, please raise my droplet limit as soon as possible, Thanks. 如果你比较急,可以勾选ticket下方的If your ticket is truly critical, click here and we will dispatch a notification to on-call staff right away.一旦DigitalOcean有客服上线,会立即处理你的请求。

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