数息法效果出奇地好!值得长期使用。 昨晚我站桩一小时,心情没有急躁不安,数息顺畅,呼吸也顺畅。约一百次后,后背气流感不再出现,整个腹腔趋于平和,舒服。呼和吸之间的“息”时间有所延长。数到一百五十次到二百次的时候,下腹有充实感,左肋骨部位有涌动的感觉。数到三百次,头部的感觉,不再是从后背向上冲击后脑,而是整个头部涌动,好像头部也有一呼一吸的动作。 数到四百次的时候,我抛弃杂念,安下心,不去想着手机定时提醒的事。呼吸的幅度变得非常小,像啜饮一样,极微小地一点点把空气吸进腹内,并没有任何憋气不舒服的感觉。 数到四百五十整,手机闹钟响了,一小时站桩时间结束。深夜11点55分。 站桩环境一定要安静,噪声不能太过明显,还是深夜在窗台,吹着微风站,最舒服。
Vultr vs Linode vs Digitalocean: who has best CPU?
For many years, I’ve been testing virtual private servers for my business. you might have heard of Amazon ECS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud platforms. They are giant players of the world with pretty good service and stability, but they are so expensive for individual developers and small business. I’ve tested many vps providers, ramnode, […]