For many years, I’ve been testing virtual private servers for my business. you might have heard of Amazon ECS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud platforms. They are giant players of the world with pretty good service and stability, but they are so expensive for individual developers and small business. I’ve tested many vps providers, ramnode, […]
Linode Vultr DigitalOcean终极对比评测(最新优惠码)
当前中国用户使用最多的海外vps,无非是四家:digitalocean vultr linode和搬瓦工bandwagonhost。由于搬瓦工是openvz架构,限制严重,根本不适合高级玩家,所以我们暂不讨论。 今天我们全方面地比较剩下的digitalocean vultr linode三家vps性能数据: