
iTunes播客(podcast)是一个免费的服务,苹果公司很聪明,它的iTunes Store类似一个导航站目录,整合别人的内容,然后提供给iOS用户免费使用。因此,iTunes拒绝加密保护的播客上架。 制作加密保护的播客好处是:形成私密分享圈,可以实施付费制,实现商业化营收,美国许多在线音频网站、有声新闻网站、技能培训网站已经普遍使用密码保护的原创内容产品。

download statistics of podcast

It’s not an easy job to answer questions about the statistics of a podcast. Let me explain as simple as I can, cause it’s really a technical matter. Apple’s iTunes Store doesn’t offer download statistics of a podcast, and it also does not supply storage of audio files. What iTunes Store do offer is a […]

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