VPS review: Vultr VS Linode VS DigitalOcean

I’m tired of reading articles on VPS review. Most of them are out of date. vps market is changing fast. for every few months you can get updates on pricing, new features announcements, etc. so I created some charts with the three vps providers I use: Vultr, Linode, DigitalOcean Please be aware that the charts […]


bandwagon搬瓦工vps是中国用户的抢手货,vps价格便宜,年付只要二十美元左右,非常划算。bandwagon搬瓦工优势是支持中国电信CN2国际精品线路,中国大陆到美国机房直连,速度非常快!但是也经常处于缺货状态。bandwagon上架GIA线路的CN2服务器,当前线路质量非常好,值得购买珍藏。 Basic VPS – Self-managed – BETA 40G KVM V3 – LOS ANGELES CHINA TELECOM IDC – CN2 GIA 硬盘SSD: 40 GB RAID-10 内存RAM: 2048 MB CPU: 2x Intel Xeon 流量Transfer: 2000 GB/mo 带宽Link speed: 1 Gigabit 机房Location: Los Angeles, China Telecom IDC China Telecom CN2 GIA Enterprise level transport for China Mobile and China […]

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