visit Van Gogh in London

The reason why I paid a visit to Tate Britain gallery is pretty simple: to shoot a picture of the starry night over the Rhone, and send it to my beloved one far away in Shanghai. I don’t know why exactly I got distracted quite often during the past three months. It seems that there […]

第350期 王掌柜对话大狗熊:时间管理的艺术

在伦敦的王掌柜和在新西兰的大狗熊老师远程连线,畅聊做自媒体的经历与感受。 大狗熊老师身在秋意渐浓的南半球,与酸菜馆的听众分享了他做狗熊有话说、狗熊爱阅读、Vlog的故事。 几年前,他成功移民新西兰,来到陌生的国家,如何找工作与生活?如何进行有效的时间管理?他有一些心得要与你分享。

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