1 谁适合用DigitalOcean? DigitalOcean为程序员提供了良好的测试平台,方便他们快速部署应用,个性化定制vps服务器性能。 DigitalOcean is platform developed for developers who need to launch and scale their applications quickly. Additionally, DigitalOcean provides the perfect environment for developers to play around on the command line and learn more about customizing their own servers. 2 DigitalOcean独家优势有哪些?
采访Keen Team陈良:职业黑客的另一面
Keen Team团队在2014年的Pwn2Own大赛中夺冠,演示了如何攻破64位的Mac OS Mavericks 10.9.2和64位的Windows 8.1,载誉而归后的陈良与他的小伙伴们密集接受了一批媒体的采访。新闻酸菜馆作为音频类的新媒体,有幸获得了独家专访主攻手陈良的机会。